How long does the morkie breed live?

If you are one of the people who are always worried about the life expectancy of their four-legged best friend, you should not worry much about the years of life of the morkie since it is a long-lived breed, like most small dogs.

Small dogs tend to have better physical activity than large dogs, so even if it's a bit inconsistent, their bones and organs are better preserved, giving them the ability to live longer than large dogs.

Of course, the morkie is a dog that can live between 12 and 15 years with ease, but it is up to you to fulfill this expectation. There have been cases of small dogs that have a fairly long life expectancy of up to 16 years, as is the case of the Chihuahua, but that, unfortunately, die at 10, due to some complication.

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To prevent your friend from dying before reaching his full life cycle, you should take into account several recommendations:
  • Allow him to feed on his mother's milk when he is a newborn puppy.
  • Take it to the vet after adopting it if the breeder did not or lacks initial vaccinations.
  • Feed it four times a day with high-quality kibbles up to six months of age, then feed it twice a day with kibbles for adults.
  • Share with him during your day to day, even a little.
  • Pay attention to your exercise and care needs.
  • Change the water daily or maximum every other day.
These tips to extend the days of your morkie's life will be effective if you follow them to the letter as the years go by with your good friend by your side. Basically they are the same care that you would give a small child, take him to the doctor to be vaccinated, pay attention to him, feed him and give him a lot of love.

The morkie will know how to thank you by showing their appreciation almost all the time.
